What is OBN
The Owner Builder Network was started in 1997 with one goal in mind, to help people
build their own custom home. Who better knows, but the homeowner, if it is built
to their standards and specifications? Most of all making sure their project stays
within budget. There are books, classes and videos, to buy that tell you how to
build. What about true help in budgeting your project, while keeping it within your
qualifications? We will not give you the hammer and nails to build your house, but
the real necessary tools you need like; financing, contractors and suppliers that
will work with you, and how about at BUILDER'S COST. We have the volume of a large
builder with hundreds of homes under construction at all times. The proof in how
well our program works is in our references. We encourage you to call and ask them
all the questions that are important to you. Questions such as:
- How long did it take them to build?
- How often were they at the job site?
- How much money did they save?
- Did they get what they really wanted?
The Owner Builder Network provides you with all the financing for your new custom
home. With the volume of business that we do, banks follow our draw schedule for
your home. This assures that you have enough money to pay Sub-contractors and Suppliers,
so that you do not have to take it out of your personal finances. When YOU pay the
workers and suppliers, it assures you that there is no kick back to the builder
on anything you pay for. The Owner Builder Network has only one program to help
you be your own builder. Like our advertising says, " We make it simple." Since
we are not a builder doing this on the side, you will not be competing with us for
trades and suppliers. We are not building spec houses or turn key houses. We only
help you build your home. The Owner Builder Network has one fee and it is based
on square footage. We DO NOT charge a fee on the percentage of your whole project.
We make no money off of your change orders or driveways. Once again, "We make it
We are there through the whole process of building your custom home, we are only
a phone call or an office appointment away. Just like our name implies, we are the
Owner Builder Network so, we also have workshops and classes. This allows you to
network with other Owner Builders who are going through the program. You can trade
names and numbers with them for added support along with our office help.
Remember: The Owner Builder Network is the first and strongest Owner Builder program,
just call our references.