Rick and Yun Hilliard
August 19, 2009
We have moved in since July last year and have enjoyed every minute of living in
this house we built with OBN. I had never doubted that we could build our dream
home with Owner Builder Network, but now when I look around our home, I still have
a sense of amazement that we actually changed the landscape of this swamp-like waste
land and put a house on it! I think what got us to have faith in OBN is that we
have friends that had built with OBN and they all had great experience. Looking
back I know we couldn't have done it without OBN. You have the best system and to
have you right there ready to assist us whenever we had questions or issues, it
made a world of difference. Partnered with OBN saved us a lot of money - we basically
built an energy efficient house with minimal cost. I have heard so many stories
about people trying to build their home but something went terribly wrong and they
either lose money, or go over budget, or didn't even complete the construction.
If it were not for your classes, your tips and instructions and manuals, and most
importantly your advice, we would have made the same mistakes and be frustrated,
and we wouldn't have had the confidence to build in the first place. We cannot thank
you and OBN enough. Right now we are concentrating on landscaping and raising some
farm birds and animals as well as growing as many trees as we can water. We are
enjoying the country life in our home. You, Sheila and the rest of the OBN team
have a special place in our hearts as you have helped this happen.
Our best regards to you all and have a wonderful summer!
Rick and Yun Hilliard
Rosenberg, Texas