Unusual things to do in Houston
June 2018
Source: Houston Builder
If you read my article last month, (thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to do so) you know that in my
effort to depart from writing about the housing market where others excel more than I do, I am taking to the internet
to find you things to do in our amazing city. While last month I introduced the culturally surprising "Walkable Houston,"
this month I scouted out more strange things to do in our fair city.
I came across 18 Cool and Unusual Things to do in Houston and I definitely have a wacky
weekend schedule ahead of me now. What are some of the "Cool and Unusual Things"?
Buffalo Bayou Burp
Did you know you can make the Buffalo Bayou burp? Turns out one inventive artist placed an
unmarked red button underneath the Preston Street Bridge. While creating a cultural buzz, he also
allowed button pushers to become ecological partners with the infamous waterway.
Beer Can House
I have heard of the beer can house so many times in my Houstonian life but never visited. I now
know John Milkovisch used beer cans he himself consumed over an 18 year period. That's a lot of
Museum of Health and Medical Science
My personal favorite as a self-proclaimed nerd is the Museum of Health and Medical Science that
features a 27.5 foot intestine...gross but cool!