Home Building Articles
Color Coordinator
Source: NKBA.ORG
Brian Patrick Flynn calls on his film production background to design projects using a colorful story and efficient scheduling
Many designers go through a minimalist period, but not usually in the second grade. Brian Patrick Flynn recalls that, as a 6 year-old, anytime he wasn't playing sports he was rearranging furniture in his bedroom. He applied production studies in college, then worked in television after graduation. "I got my first producing gig in 2003 on a remodeling show." Flynn says. "My friends said I should get a job on one of the show's projects, so I did-on 'Property Brothers.!"
Flynn continues to splice together his production skills with his design passion, just with an emphasis on design. His attention to detail-honed during the fast-paced, high-pressure work of television production-serves him and his clients well. His instinct to make several contingency plans means budgets and schedules stay intact even if a certain tile or fixture doesn't show up on time or turns out to be too costly.
"When I'm creating a room it's like writing a paragraph in a screenplay," Flynn explains. "I start with an original idea-a tile or vanity I love, for example-but I can compromise on a specific product as long as the room still embodies the same overall message or theme."
Backup plans become essential especially when designing wet rooms. Pipes and wiring determine much of the fixture placement, so original designs might need to change quickly once wall come down. Flynn primarily enjoys working on mid-range projects manageable enough to complete in a few months, so he relies on his production skills to maintain tight schedules.
"I treat kitchens and baths much differently than other spaces," he says. "Much like shooting a show, I plan kitchens and baths so meticulously that if something goes I already have backup materials and strategies in place."
Another big difference Flynn offers when creating a bathroom or kitchen involves the use of color. He likes to add a bold splash in all projects. However, these accents get trickier in rooms with so many permanent fixtures and finishes. In his experience, most people get tired of a specific color eventually, so he limits wet room palettes to white and black. To avoid ripping out teal tile or replacing purple cabinets in a few years, Flynn infuses color in easily changeable places or in small doses for these commonly used rooms.
The designer also uses art to add visual interest to kitchens and baths. Not only does art to add visual interest to kitchens and baths. Not only does art supply bright hues to a space, but it makes these high-function rooms feel more personal. For example, he included a gallery wall in one recent master bath remodel, so pieces can be easily moved around or replaced at the owner's whim. The inclusion of art also works with the trend of fewer upper cabinets in kitchens. To make up for lost storage, Flynn often includes a large pantry. "kitchen is basically storage utopia, but the minute you get rid of upper cabinets you suddenly gain wall space," he says. "This makes way for art to make the room a living space."