Spring Concerns for North Texas
Spring is definitely in the air! I know this because my car has the perpetual green dust on it, I make sure there is a Kleenex box within reach, and I find myself taking pictures of flowers to make the background on my iPhone lock screen and home screen. The flowers that bloom along the roadsides and at the nurseries after our long gray North Texas winter are such an awesome indication that spring is definitely here!
Along with our warmer temperatures, baby birds, and colorful flowers also comes the threat of dangerous storms that can develop in a moment's notice. As we visit with potential clients at Owner Builder Network, often the subject of incorporating a storm shelter into the design of a custom home comes up. There are many options for storm shelters sold by retailers on the market and also shelters that can be incorporated into an interior closet or room of the house and designed to be a fortified shelter by an engineer.
Owner Builder Network has resources for all storm shelter options and our Plan Designer can incorporate any of these options into your custom home plan. With our resources, we can help you to know your options as well as the costs for each option and from there; we can build that cost into your budget. One of the wonderful perks of building with Owner Builder Network is that the storm shelter will cost you only materials and labor to install it (no upgrade charges) and you won't have a builder telling you that the addition of a storm shelter is not an option in one of their "10 home design choices"!
In addition to storm shelters, over the years, we have had clients incorporate hidden safe rooms, gun safes and any number of specialty design options into their homes. The only encumbrance you will experience in your design process is your pocketbook! Can you afford your imagination? Owner Builder Network and our design team are ready to discuss cost options with you as you travel through the design process. This ongoing cost discussion typically eliminates getting to the end of the design phase only to realize you can't afford your dream home. Having our fingers in 1500 custom homes over the past 15 years gives us valuable knowledge that is at your complete disposal. Contact us today at 817-640-1951 or fill out the Customer Registration form and we will be in touch within 24 hours!